Tuesday 22 July 2008

Molly and Baaaaaaaaa...

After a week and a bit of being in the greenhouse, everything has started to grow pretty well.

I've started to pot on the seedlings into seperate trays and am realising I might have grown a little too much!! But that is better than too little I suppose...

The sun has been out, I have been slaving away with the delicate job of handling the little plants, and it's actually very satisfying to sit back and look at them all neatly in their rows...

The orchard is starting to look pretty good aswell; apples, pears and plums on the way... I am hoping to get my hands on them before the bugs and the birds...and my parents... and maybe teach myself to be a more competent chef while I have the time...

Believe it or not I have even eaten courgettes and mushrooms and ENJOYED them..!

There are giant field mushrooms growing outside too, and I am considering doing something with them before the sheep trample them into nothing...

Work on the ambulance has slowed down due to needing 2 people to do this bit of the rennovation. But either today or tomorrow the last bits will be out and I should be able to remove the old floor. So watch this space.

In the meantime, here is an idea of my surroundings whilst I work on this project.

To be honest, I'm currently loving it here and not so hot about the prospect of heading back to the busy city...But I'm sure I'll get bored and will be itching to be back...

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