Thursday 10 July 2008

For Your Viewing Pleasure...

After lots of searching online for suitable vehicles and being constantly disappointed with standard vans (no windows, no warmth, no ventilation etc.), we stumbled across this little number... An old private ambulance, with plenty of windows, inside insulation layer, lighting, and it's also a good runner... Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity and so here I am... About to begin turning an ambulance into my new home.

This is the view through the side sliding door, you can see that it really was an ambulance; it even came with a stretcher... I was promised nobody died in this particular van, but I'm not sure I believe it...

Here is the stretcher in all it's glory...

And here is the back of the van; chairs and safety bars, and a very (to me) derelict wheelchair ramp. As you can see, there is a long way to go before this becomes the homely home I want it to be...


Graham. said...

No one died in it yet...


miss lila bird. said...

ok, sleeping in the kp courtyard was one way to stretch your overdraft by having people bring you junk food, but this is blatantly just a thinly veiled scheme to pull birds...
"hey, wanna come back and check out my cuustomised ambulance pad? yeah, that's right, i'm a sensitive artist." ;)

btw, what is this i hear about new slang moving to mcslutskys?! i got out just in time it would seem.

take care, kid. xx.

J T Pearson said...

it sure is a beauty, and that stretcher is DEFINATLY going to come in handy!