Friday 11 July 2008

Growing Stuff and Killing Ants...


I figured the best way to reduce costs of food etc. and to be as self sufficient as possible would be to grow my own vegetables.

I dont have anywhere to do this in Kingston at the moment, but I am back home in Stratford-Upon-Avon for the summer and intend to get a head start on growing in time to arrive in Kingston to some kind of plot of land that I intend to find between now and September.

With the guidance of my dad (a professional gardener for the better part of the last half century) I picked out what I wanted, grabbed some pots, compost, etc. and began to clean out my old greenhouse... In which I have grown many many things over the years, with varied success.

In my bag of seeds I have: Cucumbers, Spring Onions, Lettuce, Rocket, Carrots, Leeks, Chili Peppers, Courgettes, Beans, Peas, and a whole host of other things, notably Nasturtiums (which you can eat the flowers of) and Morning Glory, which aswell as having lovely blue/purple flowers, has seeds that when eaten in the correct dosage can give you up to 12 hours of hallucinations...

Cant wait...

After pouring countless kettle-fulls of boiling water on the extremely busy ants next in my greenhouse I resorted to the Ant Powder; as much as I like ants... They really do get annoying when they are crawling up your legs by the hundreds because you have invaded THEIR territory.

After my epic battle avec les fourmis, I rummaged through my book collection and found a few things on eating wild plants in an SAS Survival Guide, and also some stuff about reducing your Carbon Footprint in a back issue of National Geographic...I have plenty of reading to do this summer in preparation for the project... If only I were Johnny 5.


J T Pearson said...

Well we're looking to set up a little vegetable patch at 16 Horace Road so maybe you can join in on that venture?

Katie Louise Harker said...

Awesome. I'm growing chili peppers too :D
I'll hopefully come and see how your veg is getting on soon! xx