Saturday 2 August 2008

Ready For The Floor...(Toca Disco Remix durrr!!)


A fair bit has happened since the last post - thankyou to all those who confirmed my suspicions that I am in fact an Autistic Dustin Hoffman...

So I've torn out the old floor, it was a piece of crap; too high for me to stand up fully and ruined by long metal trussing for the old seats to be attached to.

I got rid of all that and was left with just the metal chasis of the van; now full of holes from the removal of about a billion bolts that were holding in the old floor.

There was also a heater towards the front end of the floor and so that had to be disconnected, which resulted in a good few litres of blue cooling fluid spilling out... Of course this was caught... In one of mum's new storage boxes. Shhhh, she doesn't have to find out...

Next came the long job. I had to clean up every single hold in the floor before the welder arrived. Now, I am fairly competent with a welder; I've made a few sculptures over the years, but for this I thought I should let a pro handle it.

My dad's good friend and colleague Rafal Miller hopped in the back of the van and with only a cup of coffee and a few cigarettes emerged 4 solid hours later having finished the job.

It rained, it got dark; I am extremely thankful for Rafal's help.

It would have taken me twice as long and would not have been anywhere near as neat as his handywork.

So, now I have primed the floor, patched a few holes in the interior fibre-glass, and also collected a wonderful selection of carpet samples from a shop up the road... But I will save the unveiling of these until a later date. They will blow your head off.

Oh and by the way I had a look at those mushrooms in the field and they are very edible but I caught them a bit late... which is a shame... next time...

I have my wood ready to get installed for the new floor, so I suppose I will see you on the other side!

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